Published inAWS in Plain EnglishStart building EdgeDB backed applications quickly using cdk-edgedbEdgeDB just launched version 1.0 of their graph-relational database product, built on top of a PostgreSQL back end.Feb 15, 2022Feb 15, 2022
We won! 2021 FIDO Developer Challenge: FIDO2 WebAuthn for Passwordless MFA on Amazon CognitoThe 2021 FIDO Developer Challenge was a great experience. It’s super exciting seeing technology allowing us to finally kick the password.Oct 21, 2021Oct 21, 2021
Published inAWS in Plain EnglishAWS Lambda Now Supports arm64 (Graviton2), A Win For Our Planet!Driving progress through pricingSep 29, 2021Sep 29, 2021
Published inAWS in Plain EnglishPandemic-driven Bubble Tea Availability Monitoring w/ Amazon Pinpoint, EventBridge, Lambda & MoreIn the Toronto area when the COVID-19 pandemic hit last year (spring 2020) one of the consequences (benefits?) was that all businesses…Sep 15, 2021Sep 15, 2021
Is it possible to PASS an AWS Exam without studying?TL;DR: Yes. Do I recommend it? No. Do you need actual experience in the subject matter area? Of course. Do the exams still validate…Jun 15, 20211Jun 15, 20211
Published inThe StartupConfidential Document Sharing Made Ridiculously EasyWe employ military grade encryption client side to each and every file you send, it’s impossible for even us to decrypt your file!Oct 30, 2020Oct 30, 2020
Take back control with end-to-end encryptionThe other day I was thinking about how I could possibly explain the differences between encryption-in-transit and end-to-end/client-side…Oct 26, 2020Oct 26, 2020
Data breach fatigue, RE: The New York TimesBack in August of this year, Christopher Mele of The New York Times wrote an article entitled “ Data Breaches Keep Happening, So Why Don’t…Oct 26, 2020Oct 26, 2020
Installation & Configuration of ClamAV Antivirus on Ubuntu 18.04(with On-Access Scanning)Jun 29, 20207Jun 29, 20207
2020 Preparation Guide for AWS Certified Security — SpecialtyStudy guide for June 2020Jun 24, 2020Jun 24, 2020